Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Web Conferencing to Beat the Recession!

While air travel may be at its lowest rates in more than a decade, finding a conference centre for your company's next convention may still require you take advantage of these price cuts, unless you can come up with another affordable way to get everyone together.

As the person in charge of gathering the company's staff from different corners of the country, you've got to be asking yourself how you will to get them to a single conference centre and keep company expenses at a minimum. The logical answer is that you need everyone in the same place so that identical information can be disseminated at the same time. However, the additional cost of accommodating people in hotels, providing food and entertainment and other incidentals that go along with coordinating a big meeting might leave your accounting department reeling.

There has been a significant decrease in business air fares of late, and there is a reason for that which could wind up playing a big role in how your information is delivered to your satellite offices. It's called web conferencing, and it has rapidly become a viable alternative to travelling physically to a geographic location. With the expansion of this technology, more and more companies are looking to connect with their remote staff via the web conferencing medium.

The technology has come so far that it now allows real-time and streaming communication, which is is almost on the same level as face to face interaction. What this is done is bring the corporate community much closer. As well, the pricing of this technology has proven to be much more affordable for small to midsize businesses looking to cut costs on conventions, meetings and everything associated with long distance travel.

With the expanding scope of web conferencing technology, audio and video can now be delivered via a broadband or high-speed connection to anyone, anywhere in the world just by having a web browser. As a result, meetings can be held and recorded so that remote staff in different time zones, who might not be able to attend the conference, can replay it at a more convenient time. Those that can attend are now able to watch it and real time, where ideas can be put forth, and brainstorming can take place through shared applications like polling and virtual whiteboards; as well, presentations can also be made through PowerPoint slides and other documentation which can be transferred to all participants with a minimum of hassle.

The cost of web conferencing greatly reduces the need to travel, and during these difficult and stressed economic times, companies are focusing more on their bottom lines, and will gladly use the money saved to develop new business ventures. Additionally, with the reduction in travel costs, companies that are looking to go green, can use web conferencing as a way to decrease the carbon footprint that air flight causes. As well, in terms of keeping remote staff out of harms way, when it comes to medical issues including swine flu, SARS and other communicable diseases, web conferencing keeps unnecessary close contact to a minimum.

In Australia one of the major suppliers of the web conferencing software and interface is WebEx, which has reported that more than 11,000 Australians have used the software for company meetings on a weekly basis; which is not altogether unexpected in a country where companies can expect to have offices and staff separated by thousands of miles. Some of the more common users of WebEx software are in the finance and IT sections, and they use it for marketing and training purposes.

Before you book your next company flights, check out which conference centre near you can offer the space for web conferencing facilities.

Mary Hubbard represents the events centre @ maroochy, a Sunshine Coast conference centre and corporate events venue. Find out more about hosting your next conference on the beautiful Sunshine Coast here http://www.eventscentremaroochy.com.au.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Hubbard

Website Keywords - The Mystic of Application in Web Development

Though it is widely accepted that keywords are an important element for a website to be found in search results, keywords possess a more artful role. In this character, faultless site structure is the basis of a greater dimension.

Title and summary basics

It is imperative that you explore the keyword, and phrases relevant to the theme of your website. Apply widely used key words, but avoid being too general, as your theme will be overrun by a million other sites in too broad a focus. Every page should have a keyword rich title consisting of 5 to 9 words, descriptive of your subject matter. Your summary is a hook, an extremely engaging,concise summation of your web page content. Be unique, compelling, and deliver what you imply.

Body of content

Though your summary and the subheadings of your page may be the object of a visitor scanning, the body of your information is the core. Follow through with timely reference, events, personal opinion, and most readily relevance, and value. When using key phrases and words, refrain from overusing the same descriptive. Too much of a good thing, can be considered as keyword stuffing, and is frowned on by the search engines. Zealous usage, even inadvertently can appear self-promoting.

Built in site branding

Implementing a point of key reference, and advocating this presence through out your site is building a brand into your web presence. If your theme is the moon walk, every site detail, reference, and intent is about the relevance to your key theme. Whether moon revelations, treating a redwood deck, or any outreach of your expertise, that may be of value, do not stray from your branding structure. This endeavor will be carried through in your links, forums, and every outlet that points back to your website, your theme and the original mission of your site presence.

Keywords are lofty and virtuous in their application and function. Apply them for the magnitude of their reach, and for the shining stars they are.

Dannie writes website tips more on the basis of site format and inspiration than technology. Visit http://www.websitetoptip.com for more timely web tips, and your own easy website free trial.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dannie_Melancon

Optimize Images For the Web Development

Creating graphics and posting images for your site is one fun thing to do in web development. Nothing makes your site stand out better than some great images. Graphics and images can be used for entertainment, professionalism or a visual queue. A graphic designed properly can change your visitor's outlook and/or decision for your site. It is important to you have images ready and optimized for your website.

Optimize Your Images

One thing to remember when creating graphics and images for your site is to optimize. What do you mean optimize? Optimize is a way to compress data to make your file size smaller. One way optimize works is that it will read through all the color of the image and use other color combination to make similar colors. This will then discard some colors that will not be needed for the particular image. But there is a down side to optimizing. You will lose quality in your graphic and/or images.

Quality vs. Size

When optimizing your images watch the quality compared to size. You want the smallest size possible for your site, making your site load faster. This will make it easier for your visitors and search engine bots. If you image or graphic becomes too distorted, raise your file size. You don't want a pixelated image on your site. You want your images to look good and professional. You just need to find a balance between having a clean professional picture and having a decent small file size.

Image Optimization Tools

Adobe Photoshop has put this into consideration in some of their new application versions. You can now do a File > Save for the Web Options and Adobe Photoshop has a pre-built optimizing process that is very good. You can choose what file type to save in and how much to compression and optimization. Adobe Photoshop is an expensive commercial program, another option is using Dynamic Drive's Image Optimization.

Types of Image Files

Last thing to touch on is JPEG, GIF and PNG. There are so many file types, but these are highly recommended for web development.


JPEG is a compressed file that has very good quality standards. Because of its compression, colors and data are squeezed out of it to create smaller file sizes. This can cause some blur with images with sharp edges, which is great for photos. If you look at a photo there are no straight lines or edges. Everything is blended together, which why JPEG is great for photos. You can get great optimization out of a JPEG file.


GIF is use more for vector based graphics. A vector based graphic is when a graphic is made of lines and shapes. Vector graphic have sharp corners, edges or text. When dealing with graphics like described, it is better to use a GIF rather than a JPEG. A JPEG could case distortion on your sharp lines. GIF can also be use for animation. Frame by frame animation saved as a .gif will animate on your page. Transparency is another feature that GIF can support. You can save your images with a transparent background.


PNG is one the newest web graphic technology. PNG is great for quality and file size. You have the best of both worlds in a PNG. PNG can also support transparent backgrounds. The only downside to a PNG file is that some old web browsers don't support PNG. This problem is becoming less and less a concern. But keep that in mind.

Quickest Time for Web

Optimizing images and graphics is almost a must in web development. Having big file sizes could cause some of your visitors to leave your site. If your site is too slow to load, you need to optimize immediately. Rumour is that you have 3 seconds to pull a surfer in. If you site doesn't load in that amount of time, then you might lose them. Time your page in your browser and see how long it takes. If you are under a couple of seconds, you're doing a great job.

Read more articles and information for Web Development and Optimize Web Images.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cody_Sparks

How Do You Make a Website - Advice and Tips on How You Can Make Your Own Website

Building your own website can be a daunting task for those who are new to the wonderful world of website design. While it is a potentially huge subject, it can be reduced to a fairly simple process, with certain key steps you need to consider. It is important to do your research properly before you jump in, as the right advice can save you a great deal of time and money. I am writing this with the assumption that you are not in a position to pay a website designer to do everything for you, and that you would like to learn how to create and manage your own website.

Many people start by looking at whether you can get a website that doesn't cost anything. The answer is that there are ways of getting free web pages online that you can edit and control to an extent, but such free hosting sites are never going to rank highly in search engine results and you do not have control over the details which could influence such things. Free sites are sub domains of larger sites and you will have to work within a very limited template. These are fine for sharing information with family and friends, but no good at all for a remotely serious website, and certainly not for any kind of business site.

The essential things you need to get your own site online are:

- A website building tool
- A domain name
- A web host

You are spoiled for choice in all these areas, which is not necessarily a good thing when it comes to narrowing down the field and making some decisions. You can create a sophisticated website with just a simple text editor, but to do so you need a full understanding of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). If you are looking for information on how to make a website, I assume you are not an HTML expert, so we need to consider the other options.

Fortunately there are website building tools out there specially designed for people without HTML knowledge. These are known as WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editors. These feel very much like word processing packages to use, which makes it a comfortable and easy experience. You create the pages you want, and the editor automatically converts what you do into HTML. There are many of these on the market, including some which are free, but the free ones tend to be either extremely limited or to leave very untidy and surplus code on your pages, which is hot helpful.

You may also have heard of Dreamweaver and other website design software, which are great, but cost quite a lot of money and are perhaps more than is required by a beginner.

Finding a domain name is a relatively easy process. You must first find a free domain name and register it with a domain name registrar. There are hundreds of these companies out there and this is a quick and straightforward process. When choosing a domain name ending, try to find a .com, but if that is not available, good alternatives are .org or a geographical one such as .co.uk.

As the name suggests, web hosts are specialist companies that you pay to host your website. Every site must be stored on a server (powerful computer) and this is where any visitors to your site will be directed when they look up your website address. You basically rent server storage space and bandwidth from them. You are paying for the disk capacity to store all your web pages on their computers, and for the bandwidth that is used by people accessing those pages. Bandwidth is just a measure of the transfer of data over a period of time.

The other area that any article about website creation cannot avoid including is search engine optimization. This is known as SEO and is a huge subject in itself, concerning the need to design your site in such a way as to achieve high rankings in search engine results. The reason I mention it here is just to say that it is far better to have an understanding of it before you start building a website, or it can mean that you need to re-do your site later to make it search engine friendly. A failure to consider it could lead to a lovely looking website that gets no visitors.

There are also some packages available which will include website design, hosting, domain name and search engine optimization tools all in one, which can be very attractive for anyone setting up their first website. Such an approach saves having to deal with many different companies and source lots of different tools and software, which can be more cost effective in the long run.

Get detailed advice on how to make a website now. Keith Garrow's main website also provides recommendations on website design software, web host reviews and a free guide to search engine optimization. Keith Garrow is an artist who made his first site to showcase his abstract art, but now shares information gained from his experience of going from knowing nothing about websites to creating one which now ranks on the first page of Google for all his main search terms.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Keith_Garrow

Creating a Website For Your Small Business

Creating a website to help market your business is almost a must in today's business climate. If you are not marketing to the millions of people that are surfing the internet you are missing a lot of potential business. This is extremely important if you are in an industry where your competition is on the internet.

To create a website you will need software that will allow you to write your content and copy it into an HTML document so it can be published on the internet. Once you get the content written you will need to purchase a domain name and get a company to host your site before your information will be visible on the web. There is software available that will help you write your content and publish it but you will need to know how to use that software.

Another important step is submitting your site to the search engines so people can find your pages. There are some very important rules that you have to follow in order to get the search engines to list your site in their directory. If you create your site using the keywords that your customers will use to search for your product and write your content based around the keywords you will be able to rank high with the search engines thus allowing potential customers to find you over your competition.

There are companies that will bring all of this together for you so all you have to do is create the content and copy and paste it into the website. These companies usually help you with hosting, publishing and some of them even submit your pages to the search engines. The company I use actually has an action guide that helps you every step of the way. When I started I didn't even know what HTML was and didn't have a clue how information actually got on the internet. Now I have over 40 pages and I continue to write more and my site is ranking high with the search engines.

In this business climate it is extremely important that your business is on the web. You have to be on the web if you want to keep up with your competition and maybe get ahead of some of your less technical competitors. Your website with have to be written, a domain name acquired, hosted, and submitted to search engines. The key to getting your site seen on the internet is to make sure you have keyword rich content on all your pages. Finally you should find a company that will walk you through the steps of creating your site by providing some type of training guide and submitting your site to the search engines.

Financial Planning Lessons help you learn in a very easy to understand way how to create you own personal financial plan.

Want your own website but think you don't have enough knowledge or experience to create one? Well think again because with Site Build It you will get step by step instructions to guide you through every phase of creating your own website. Visit my your own website page.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gerald_Moultry

Website Builder 101 - What You Need

First and foremost, you first of all need to plan the entire layout of the website, and this will be determined on what the purpose of the website is for actually. You need to plan in advance how many pages you need and what sort of layout is good for the target audience that you are building this website for. Layout is one of the most important things that a lot of people actually marginalise in the whole website building experience. Layout is one that allows you to control just how you want to present yourself to your potential customer and how you want them to experience the website.

Layout and design very important role, especially when you are using your website as a platform to sell something or conduct a business. When doing this, the layout must be functionary and easy to navigate, yet designed in such a way that you can funnel and control the audience experience and achieve the aims of the business. Another thing you need to look for is the sort of layout that speaks to your audience as well. When you can effectively communicate your website to your audience and present your services with their language, you will create an instant connection with your customer and influence their potential purchasing decision.

So this must be something you need to pay much attention to and if necessary, look at the various sorts of ways that you can layout your website and check and scour the entire internet if necessary to see the various ways in which this can be done. Another thing you might want to consider is the slew of emerging technologies that can be brought to bear in your website to make the experience that much more interactive for them - your consumer. This includes things like java based applications and flash technology, which has evolved to almost stupendous degrees in the last few years.

These things really make your website and your services come alive and allow you to not only leave your identity in a dynamic way on the website; but inculcate the whole reach out and grab you experience for them. This way, your customer's experience of the website and your services will be that much more exciting and it will not be a monotonous scrolling down of static images and text. Now you can spice up the experience in a bid to boost sales and put your business out there. The last thing you will require is that you might want to consider a good web hosting service to put your website out there.

You need to get a good website hosting service with a fast server and a dedicated service to make sure that there are no slowdowns or disruptions to your website. These are some of the basic tools that you need to be able to get your website up, running and at optimum condition. Later on, using these as a base you can further enhance and build your website.

Vodien Internet Solutions provides all-in-one web hosting packages. Find out more details about their Singapore web hosting packages at their website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Koh

Web Site Stats

Did you know that every time someone lands on one of your web pages, the details are recorded in your web servers logs. Learning how to read and keep track of your web site stats is an important piece of your internet marketing success. And you really need to know what stats you should be keeping a close eye on, such as where your main customers are coming from. Your web log is a crucial tool to help you analyze your web traffic.

What can your web site stats tell you?

Which pages are the most visited and how long a visitor stays on your site.

Which keywords are bringing in visitors.

Which search engines are helping to drive traffic to your site.

On what pages web surfers are entering and leaving your site from.

Which pages that are linked to your site are people are clicking on to arrive there.

And there is much more.

Do you have a healthy internet business?

You need to have a good handle on your sales figures, your customer and subscriber statistics, as well as the details of the overall usage on your site.

If you don't know and understand the metrics of what is going on with your web site, not only will you not be able to see the opportunities where you can make more money, you may not see the danger signals that can undermine your internet business.

One factor all successful internet businesses have in common is that they just do not assume, they test, and constantly measure their results.

Where is your server log?

Your web host or web server keeps records which you can easily get to with a few clicks after you log in to your web panel. Don't be afraid to click around a bit a find out how it functions. Take your time and look through the reports that your web host provides. And don't be shy about picking up the phone and calling them either. Any good web host will have qualified people willing and able to answer all your questions.

Conversion Rates

These are the most important web site stats that you should be learning how to analyze. What are a few of the conversion rates that you should be keeping track of?

How many of your visitors are you converting into customers? This tells you immediately how well your offer and web copy is working. This is your 'visitor to customer' ratio.

If you get 100 visitors a month and you have 5 sales, you have a 5% conversion rate.

How many visitors are signing up for your emails or newsletters? It is very important to build your mailing list, because there is big money to be made by promoting offers to the people who have taken the time to sign up to keep up to date with what you are doing.

How many of your sign-ups are becoming customers? This lets you know how attractive your offers are. You will also want to test them with different sales letters to see which are converting the best. Your mailing list is also a good barometer for any products and web copy that you want to test market before you go public.

What is your click through rate? Are people clicking where you want them to? Is a button working better than a write in form. Is a certain color getting more clicks?

What kind of revenue are you making from your visitors? You really need to know what your costs are and how much are you earning from the people visiting your site. This is especially important if you are doing PPC - pay per click marketing. Keeping track of this information lets you evaluate how much you are spending to get each visitor to your website, how much they are spending, and what, if any, your profits are.

There are many more advanced web site stats that you can be tracking and there is even software you can purchase that will give you even more insight and information that you can use to bring your internet business to the next level.

Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the greater your opportunities will be, because you will be able to see them right in front of you.

Be Fearless

Billy Ojai

If you would like more information on how to improve your copywriting techniques, pick up your free copy of 'Copywriting for the Web' at http://billyojai.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Billy_Ojai

Free Clip Art and Free Graphics May Cost Too Much

Creating a good website on a budget is hard, and one of the toughest assignments is the creation of attractive, appropriate images. Many webmasters rely heavily clip art and stock graphics to get the job done, even accomplished artists. There are thousands of sites with such art available but they are a potential legal and ethical minefield, because you are usually required to compensate the artists when you use them on a commercial site. Sometimes it's not just once, either. One popular stock photography site requires royalty payments each quarter for the pictures you use. Payments for a single picture can run into the hundreds of dollars.

What makes this article different is that the free clip art and stock graphics mentioned here are all not only free to acquire, but they are also royalty-free and rights-cleared, meaning you can use them on your site without having to pay anyone. And the catch? Originally, it was going to be that these images are of somewhat lower quality than their commercial counterparts. Reviewing these sites proved otherwise. There's a ton of great stuff here. About the only catch is that in most cases you are not allowed to copy the entire collection and republish it as your own. Feel free to use as many of these free clip art images as you want on web pages you have designed, however.


Browse PDClipart.org during your downtime and you'll find some real gems. It is a comprehensive and well-categorized site that verges perilously close to commercial quality. I have used some of the image credits to track down artists for additional work. Webmaster Jon Sullivan has contributed thousands of his own pictures to the public domain in an act of extreme generosity. His category system is faultless and thorough. PD Photo is clean and very easy to navigate. Travel, events such as airshows and parades, and such critically important topics as cheese are covered with commercial grade photographs. A few of them are copyrighted, apparently because they use copyrighted subject matter, but he still makes them free to use; see the Copyrighted section for details.

Peirce Free Clipart Collection

Surprisingly high quality free clip art collection and, pleasantly, most images are in at least three formats: web-ready bitmaps, PDF, and WMF (a Windows graphic format). Do note the unusual spelling of Peirce. It's not a typo.


A massive 25,000 free clip art collection of public domain images "specifically tailored for use in word processors" and optimized for inkjet output. It even includes notes on using OpenOffice. This free clip art collection is a labor of love. Paul Sherman, the maintainer, has gone far past the extra mile in retouching and improving many of the images while still not claiming copyright on his changes. Emphasis is on older but eminently useful images.

There's more where this came from. Read Working Webmaster's free special report New special report on sources of truly free graphics, even for commercial sites, and save money by using these truly free clip art and free stock photographs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Campbell

Build a Website in a Few Steps

When you initially get involved with the internet, you can feel very confused as to whether you should build a website from scratch, use a web host's templates, or employ the services of a web design expert to create one for you. I remember having no idea what to do when I started. I made all sorts of errors, but I eventually succeeded and I'm sure you will too.

Enduring, inclined and deliberate is one of the important things to remember when it comes with offsetting your money. For the people who had a lot of income, you will not need this advice, as you can have someone who can expend your income for you. If you are looking to have a site with pictures and other information, then a basic internet is the right thing for you. A basic site is great for a small business you can manage from home.

"Guides" or other ready made sites, are use your info and date and you can start your site. For the right to utilize the internet site there is a minimal fee that you pay each month. You also can host the site, which is also the most adept method to begin in since this is considered the easiest to start out with. However, this is also the most expensive out of the options.

If you're a little more fascinated in acting matters yourself, have a little of technological power and will to acquire. The finest method in the end is to purchase a software system application program to create your personal internet site from your own computer. You do it all in the solace of your computer seat and then "upload" the data to a "host" and you're on the cyberspace!

Nowadays, you can spend about $200-$500 for a good program, although the cost is going down all the time. There are even a number of no-cost applications available to you. Either way, there are numerous ones to choose from for this purpose. They are specially created to aid those people who want to do the work of developing a professional-looking website on their own.

If you're actually challenging and technically fearless you can acquire about "HTML" or the terminology computers employ to run and you can build a website with alphabetic character and numbers as matters were down earlier to the coming of easy computer software system configured for the intention of cyberspace building. Regardless which method you choose to go, claim your time, and be enduring and unrelenting and you'll build a website very fast!

Cyberspace can be confusing and perplexing. Should we build a website? Can we use hosted net? Can we hire a person for this? When I look back I remember how confused I was. I made many mistakes and errors. Slowly I understood what is what. You too can do it. I believe the offset matter to realize is that you must be enduring, inclined to acquire and deliberate with your money. If you've a lot of income you can brush off this advice but I do not believe you'd be learning this least bit if you did, you'd only wage somebody to expend your income for you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tem_Balanco

Was Your Web Design and Development Project Successful?

After completing a large Website Design and Development project, some times it's just nice to call the project complete. After all, several months of living and breathing Web messaging, images, colors, functionality, work flow, and so much more can leave you relieved that your project is live, looks great and works like you intended.

It is very important, however, to take a look back and see how successful the project really was. Each project will have a different measure of success, and some times the goals might shift slightly along the way, but here's some things to help you determine if your Web site Design and Development project accomplished what it needed to.

1. Review the original projects requirements

Did the original project requirements get fulfilled? For instance, if a requirement of your Web site project was that you allow for paid event registration, does your new Web site have that?

Secondly, was the paid event registration implemented in the manner that you had originally imagined?

Finally, does the way that the functionality was created for your new Web site work well with the marketing and business processes your organization has in place?

If you answered "yes" to all three of these questions, that's great -- you and your Web Design and Development firm were able to keep things in scope and created a piece of functionality that is exactly what you needed.

If you answered "no" to any or all of these, there are two possibilities: either your objectives might have shifted during the process or your project was not successful in the area of having the basic requirements fulfilled.

The first case (objectives shifting) is nothing to be worried too about. Many times some objectives or specifics can change once you are in the midst of a project. It is important to be mindful of "scope creep" or asking for functionality above and beyond what was originally agreed to, because this could affect both the time line and the overall cost of your project, but you need to make sure that the product you end up with is what your organization really needs. Much of this can be determined by going through a proper Request for Proposal (RFP) writing stage, and by working with your contracted Web site Design and Development firm to fully discover any additions or changes from your written RFP.

If you answered "no" and your needs and requirements did not change, it is a problem. Why does your Web site not have this functionality you need? Was there a miscommunication between you and the contracted firm? Were the requirements not clearly documented? Were you not able to review the finished Web site before a 'final draft' of the product was available to view? Just as importantly, what is being done to fix this problem?

2. Ask a Sampling of Customers and Colleagues

Another way to gauge your Web Design and Development project's success is to ask the opinions of a select group of people familiar with you and your business objectives. Given that these people have an understanding of your target market and what you do, they can give you some advice about what was done right and what could be improved.

It's not a bad idea to get some of these same people involved much earlier in the process. A Beta testing group is a great way to make some final text and graphic tweaks to your pages. Be careful not to let people's individual tastes in color, spacing, fonts and other things compromise your vision, though. Pay attention to the larger idea behind their feedback. Instead of heeding the advice of someone who says "I hate that color orange that you used for your registration buttons," find out if the registration button itself was easy for them to find. Even if they don't like the color, the important point is that they are able to get through the registration process, not if the buttons are shaded in their favorite colors.

3. Check Your Analytics

Before you launch your new Web site, make sure you have statistics on how people were interacting with your old site. This is crucial to determine if you have improved processes or not. Some times the purpose of a project is really just to modernize the look and feel, and that is perfectly fine. If, however, the purpose was to drive more sales conversions, acquire more Email addresses, or something like that, you need to have the historical data to make an educated assessment of whether or not your changes worked.

Google Analytics, is cheap (it's actually free) and easy to use. It's an easy way to get instant feedback on how many people are getting to your site, where they are going, and in many cases, what they are doing on your site.

4. Take A Survey

Some times the friends and colleagues who know about you and your organization might not be able to take that additional step backwards and give you the opinions that someone less familiar with you can. If it is appropriate, find a way to survey some fresh eyes and see what they think. See if they were able to get the basic idea of what you are selling from only spending a few minutes on your Web site. See if they were able to easily contact you using the navigation on the site.

5. Do a Personal Review

What about your Web site would you change after going through this process? Chances are, it's not something that you would have thought about before the entire process started. Don't be too hard on yourself for overlooking something that you could only see after getting your Web presence to this new point, but instead be realistic. Is this a positive step forward for you and your organization? Is this what was agreed upon from the beginning? Are your customers responding better to the new design and functionality? Are you getting good feedback from the colleagues who regularly check your site? If so, congratulations!

These 5 things should help you determine if your Web site Design and Development Project was successful. Make some notes about each aspect and see what could be changed easily, and take a little time to see if some of the things on your list might not be necessary after all. When you spend several months living and breathing a project like this, it's easy to get stuck in the minute details, but given a little perspective and time you might find that your original plan had a lot more wisdom in it. Take a little time to let the newly launched project take life and review things again in 1-2 months. You might have some even better ideas then, and you might also realize that a lot of what you have is perfect as is.

Greg Kihlstrom is the Chief Creative Officer at Carousel30 Interactive Media in Washington DC. His company is a Web Design and Development firm that also works in other Interactive Media such as iPhone applications and more.

Greg also writes about Web site Design issues on his blog entitled "Design in Context"

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Greg_Kihlstrom

Twelve Reasons You Should Get Your Own Website Now

1. Your website is your real estate on the web. With little investment you can promote your business globally and gain more customers. People go to the extent of investing in properties and assets to set up Shop Fronts, Supermarkets and Business Complexes to promote their businesses and products. Even if your business is too tiny to be proud off but hey! You still need customers! What better ways can you promote as compared through the Internet. Your website could be your BEST INVESTMENT EVER. If you are in business, nothing could match the outstanding capabilities of the Internet to promote your products and services extensively. Globalization have no boundaries. Have your products on the web and expose it to the world and be proud about it. Better by promoting your own website and your own signature or perhaps your own company.

2. You can easily get your own domain name and website from many web host providers for less than US$10 per month and this is cheap and within reasonable budget for almost everybody.

3. With the unparalleled growth of the Internet, dot com domain names continue to sell like hotcakes. Currently, there are more than 20 million dot com domains, and over 34 million total domains registered worldwide. Industry experts forecast that more than 500 million domains will be registered in the next ten years. In fact, reliable sources from companies like Intel are predicting that every personal computer in the future will have its own domain name. This is good market potential and lots of opportunities. The race to get domain names registered is on!

4. Having your own website can open up a whole lot of new opportunities to earn extra income and the possibility of earning huge profits and it is a GOLD MINE out there.

5. By getting into the Internet business early, your website could be worth much more at a later moment of time if done correctly and should appreciate in value in terms of generating revenue through better skills and experiences. You definitely need time to develop your website and Internet business. Your skills and development should improve over time and an EARLY ENTRY is always with advantage.

6. As more computers are now common households items , the number of Internet users are now multiplying at a very fast rate. This phenomenon is accelerating to higher heights since computers are becoming cheaper and better by the turn of the century. More users means wider markets and broader opportunities. It could also mean stiffer competition and tougher challenges ahead.

7. Nowadays technology have advanced considerably whereby you do not need a formal knowledge in computers and programming in order to build up your own website. You can easily get programs to do it on your own without any problem. Maybe you need to familiarized with the programs initially but that is normal. Once you understand the basic requirements everything else is easy. You can do it without any technical knowledge.

8. By starting early you will have the advantage of choosing the best domain names that you prefer. The competition is on and people are now realizing the importance of having their own website and choosing the right domain names could mean a whole lot of a difference to your business. Don't wait until they are gone. Do it now and make sure you get your desired names registered before others do.

9. To have your own website will allow you to choose your own web content, your own design and have maximum choice of products to your satisfaction. You have the right of choice and nobody can deny it. You can do what ever you want to it, as long as it does not violate any laws or agreement that you have committed to. Most important is that you will have total control over situation and normally for paid hosting, you can ensure that your website is up and running 24 hours per day and 7 days per week or 99.9% up time. Make sure to get your website hosted by a reliable provider.

10. Timing is the essence. Early starters are always having the advantage. Don't wait for others to beat you in this race. Go in when it is still hot and the cake is big. The market potential is your source of Big money. Position your website in front of the race by starting early and reap the rich source of income through better technology and means of marketing communications.

11. If the computer and the Internet is your hobby, why not monetized it. You already have the tools and some basic knowledge. Stretch your hobby further by getting your own website and enjoy making money on the web or if possible make your own signature website to promote yourselves to your utmost satisfaction.

12. You wouldn't know exactly what you will be missing until you have your own website. No. Nobody is kidding about this. Test drive (a figure of speech) and feel what it is like to have your own website. It is not that expensive to start anyway, probably it will cost you less than US$10 per month to have one as a start. Once it is up and your adrenaline starts to flow, God knows probably lots of energy will rush through your veins to your brain with fantastic ideas for better future and better life.

Raja Zaharudin BRE from http://www.smartbizunlimited.com (Private Affiliates Directory Listing and Resource Center) Your Reliable Resource Center. Get your Domain names and websites recommendations here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Raja_Zaharudin_Raja_Endut

As a Customer Would You Prefer Cute Or Effective?

It is true that today it is actually possible to buy just about anything online. When eBay came into existence a decade or so ago, they could not have known the revolution that they were to set free. The web design and web development services suddenly got flooded with requests for software design and development services that cloned eBay to help with ecommerce development. The trouble is that not every one was concerned with quality. They wanted a site up and running, but did not concern themselves with the experience of the customer on the site. Or the fact that an unsatisfied customer is unlikely to return to the site.

This was a big problem in ecommerce development, since half the sites that the software design and development services designed would end up being sub-standard and not at all customer-friendly. If you tried navigating, half the links would not work. You would put something in your shopping cart and then continue shopping, only to realize at check-out time that the product did not get carried forward in the shopping cart. Since there were few professional web design and web development services it was all trial and error for most of the sites. This resulted in a highly frustrating shopping experience for the prospective customer.

Naturally the sites were made to be visually appealing. It was believed that a cute site would attract more consumers. In a manner of speaking it would be true, but the trouble is that after attracting that potential customer if you fail to make the sale, what's the use of setting up a cute site? The fundamental rule of ecommerce development is the same as that in real business. Give the customer what he wants and in as less a time as possible. This is what the software design and development services strive to do. It is the mainstay of repeat business. If the client was satisfied buying stuff from your site, he will come back.

What is even more important is that he will give you great word of mouth publicity, which can be crucial for ecommerce development. Word of mouth publicity plays a very important and often ignored role in software design and development services. Imagine if your friend told you that he went to this amazing site and picked up something useful? Would you go to that site? Yes you would. Now imagine your friend told you that something useful was available at this site, but shopping there was rather complicated. Would you go to the site? Maybe, depending on how much you wanted the product.

In most cases proper web design and web development services can help make the client's experience on your site a pleasant one. This will encourage them to come back and to tell their friends. Both things that are highly desirable in ecommerce development wouldn't you agree? So it makes sense to use some good software design and development services when you set about getting your website online. It will help you reach your goals faster and make you profits that you might not have thought possible at this stage.

Sourena is author of this article on Web Design.
Find more information about Web Development Services here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Sourena

The Bandwidth Challenge

There is a number of problems that modern Internet development is facing. One of them started somewhere at the time we started "solving" the Y2K problem. At the moment, it wasn't a problem, but a major development - the broadband. The period of first dot-com bubble was when businessmen invested a lot of money into development of telecom industry, mainly to create a huge broadband infrastructure. With the amounts invested it grew faster than bamboo forest. The speeds were raising, the prices lowering.

Although it wasn't long until the bubble burst and it took the Mississippi-sized stream of telecom money and made it into a tiny torrent. The problem began to be more serious when the word "torrent" started meaning something other than a small amount of moving water. The new technologies, like BitTorrent and Flash video quickly started make use all of the available infrastructure, that unwisely invested money created during the dot-com era.

This is the exact reason why we now face things, like bandwidth caps and problems with cheap and fast Internet access even in cities, like San Francisco. The cables were built too fast, they had a lot of room to spare (available bandwidth) and now they're developing at a normal pace (maybe even slower due to recession), but at the same time, the amount of things we can make available online is ever growing - videos, photos... things like unlimited storage in the cloud. All of these things require bandwidth, that is there, but not for long.

The symptoms of the upcoming bandwidth crisis were there long ago, right when providers started issuing bandwidth caps, but today marks passing somewhat even more interesting milestone.

Remember that old joke that nothing has more speed in terms of Gigabytes per second per mile as a falling closet full of hard drives? Guess what, it's not really a joke anymore. Today, Amazon, the biggest provider of storage/computing in the cloud announced the Import/Export feature, that is basically translates to Plain English as: "Send us you hard drive via mail and we copy it to our storage, returning you the device in a matter of a week, because if you want to copy terabytes of data - it's much faster than copying it via Internet."

While it seems like a very reasonable feature, one has to ask himself - why Amazon, probably the biggest provider of cloud services, bothers to implement such non-automated service, requiring manual labor and that targets only small amount of it's current users? Something tells me Amazon analysts come up with some bad conclusions about the bandwidth.

Of course, I can be wrong about the motivation for this particular decision, but the fact that bandwidth crisis is coming is undeniable. That's why YouTube started imposing limits on some of Asian viewers. What would it mean for regular bloggers? Well, less YouTube, less podcasting, more text. Hollywood would probably be really happy with that crisis too - no more file sharing of illegal movies and music.

Slava V is the author of many sites, among which the URLs.seelf, the small automated sites grouping and monitoring service, with one of the categories monitored being Web 2.0.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Slava_V

How to Put Together a Basic Website

Many new online businesses just don't realize how incredibly important it is to put together a professional looking website for your clients and customers. And they just don't know where to start or what to include in their website so they give up before they even start.

A website for your business should always follow a formula outlining who you are, what services or products you are selling or offering are, why you are in business, and how or where your potential clients contact you. In fact, almost anyone can put together a website even if you have never worked online before.

For newbies out there who do not know HTML, I suggest that you use software called Website Tonight to put together a website. Its fast and easy to use and if you know how to use Microsoft Word, you can most certainly put a site up. Most hosting providers offer Website Tonight with your hosting option. Go Daddy is a great provider and you can get a site up and running for less than $5 Bucks a month.

What to Include

So we have gone over the basics of where to get hosting and the why's of your site. But you are probably asking yourself, what pages should I include in my site. If you follow the formula I wrote out above, you now realize that you can get a website up and going with about 3-5 web pages. The most commonly used pages should be Homepage, About Page, Services and/or Products page, FAQ's or Pricing page, and a Contact Page. You can mix and match any of the above to get your site up but I strongly suggest your website flows in the order I put these examples.

Your Homepage should include information about who your company is why you are in business and why you have a website. You really want to grab the reader right away with information about you and your business. Your About page should grab the reader with knowledge about why you are a leader in your industry. What is your background why do they want to use your services or buy your products.

Your services page should highlight what you are offering them and why your services and/or products are special from the competitors. The FAQ's and/or Pricing page should outline again questions your potential clients and customers may want to know about such as how much do your services cost, how long have you been in business, what they should expect from your services. You want to put their minds at ease about why you are a great provider for them whether it is a product or services. And last but not least is a Contact page. It's imperative that your clients know how to contact you and how to contact you easily. You should include a link on each page with your email address and/or phone number so you make it easy and simple for them to get a hold of you.

If you follow the steps above you can have a website up and running in less than a day and you will start generating buzz for your new business as well as clients.

Stacey Wockenfuss is a professional internet marketer and business coach who specializes in helping people reach their own goals of business ownership and working from home through her guides, eBooks, and sound business advice. Learn how you to can start your own online business by visiting: http://www.stopmakingyourbossrich.net or http://www.startaworkfromhomebusiness.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stacey_Wockenfuss

Building a Website - From Scratch, Website Building Software, Or Hire a Web Developer?

Is building your own website something you've contemplated? If yes, then depending on your objective, there are several factors that should influence the method you decide to use to build it. Maybe you're up to the task of building it from scratch using HTML and CSS, maybe purchasing website building software makes more sense, or perhaps hiring someone to build your website for you is the way to go. I considered all three options when I decided that I wanted to build a website.

I rejected the idea of hiring someone to build my website. First of all, I'm a tightwad and I don't want to spend the money to have someone else do what I can do myself. My budget is limited. What I do have is time and a strong desire to learn something new. I don't want to give up even one iota of control over the quality of the markup. I also don't want to have to contact the builder everytime I'd like to make a change. Hiring someone might mean that my website can go live much sooner, but the cost and lack of control are enough for me to reject this option.

I rejected the idea of purchasing website building software to build my website. Again, I'm a tightwad and some of the website building software out there is very expensive. Sure, there's free website building software, but you know what they say... you get what you pay for. Using software won't teach me anything except how to use the software. I'm a nuts and bolts person, learning from the ground up is exciting for me.

I accepted the idea of building my website from scratch. I am definitely a novice website builder, but I have a strong analytical and technical background. Okay, so my background is in mainframe application development using Cobol (hold the laughter, please) and I don't know a thing about HTML and CSS, but markup is just a different type of code, right? I don't have a Cobol job anymore (I was laid off), I have strong learning capabilities, I'm tenacious and determined, and building from scratch will help me develop a valuable new skill set that I'll be able to use indefinitely. I'm a very organized person who learns new things very methodically and I have a plan. I'm tackling this project by investing in some good instructional books that will teach me from the ground up. I started with Build Your Own Website the Right Way Using HTML and CSS by Ian Lloyd at Sitepoint. I also invested in some good HTML and CSS reference books. These will be important to have when I get into the deeper stuff. My goal is to have my first website up and running within the next 3 weeks or so. Of course, I've been reading and learning for the last 5 weeks, so I'm ready to begin!

If you're thinking about building your own website, but you have no technical background and no desire to get into writing markup, then hiring someone to build your website makes sense. Using software might be less stressful than building from scratch because software will be more user-friendly. But, if you're a nuts and bolts person like I am, then you'll love the challenge of building from scratch. All of the methods have pros and cons, but your final decision has everything to do with your personal goals and objectives.

Please visit my new blog! It's about my journey through building a website from scratch! http://novicewebsitebuilder.blogspot.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brenda_Aja

Why Website Content is So Important?

What's in the Web Content?

A website could not be complete without content. It is much like the heart of a website that keeps it alive. It is why readers and customers keep visiting and viewing your site. If your site were just full of pictures with no writing to look forward to, then readers are most likely to leave your site and nerve come back. Web content is what encourages them to stay and keep coming back.

Making High-Quality Content

Creating high-grade content for your website need not be difficult. There are many available options and one of them is hiring professionals to do the job. You may even want to tell the writers what specific details you want the visitors to know and what other information you want published. Competition is tough so it is a must for your site to be attractive to viewers, even at first glance. Most viewers flock websites that gives out the best, most credible, and most reliable information.

Here are some tips on what an excellent website should have.

Your site should contain dependable information. Credibility is always a plus in internet marketing. Still, keep things light and natural. Do not let your readers feel that you are imposing things on them or forcing them to buy what you are offering. Joke around and grab their attention.

Your readers are lucky to have visited your site. Make them feel that priceless information and opportunities are coming their way since they have stumbled upon your site. Let them feel, too, that they will miss a lot if they do not continue visiting your page.

Put some pictures and graphics. It would be boring to have a site comprised of only textual content. Add some spice to it and place graphics and pictures to brighten and lighten up the mood of your site. It also makes it visually entertaining.

Organize. It would also be pleasant to see your site organized. This also helps readers to easily access archives and previous articles you have done.

Let your content do the job.

If your articles already have excellent content, you can let them work for themselves. Technical stuff in the search engines called spiders would literally crawl on your site and index whatever is in it, depending on the keywords you have placed. These keywords would determine where the page is indexed. This is very important because if you want people to be able to see your site when they use search engines, then your website address should show up in the results. Getting it placed at the first few pages of the search results will increase the chances of having your site viewed and visited a lot of times.

Having high quality website content gets the job you want done. If you have not tried this before, then you would surely notice a difference when you have high grade content on your site. This gives you more visitors to your site, increased traffic, and thus, increased income.

Anna is a freelance copywriter for more than 5 years. She is knowledgeable in SEO, affiliate marketing and knows how important articles are in the world of internet marketing. If you want to contact her, please visit the website @ The Freelance Copywriters

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anna_Katherine_Mendez

Business Websites - The Future of Sales

For many companies creating business websites has definitely been a jump in the right direction. While others have just watched, these companies have grown beyond reason, reached new areas and people, and definitely become more financially sound than they may have otherwise expected to be. Really there hasn't been much of a downfall for those companies at least in the beginning. Once the trend of creating websites for business reasons became popular we opened up a market that may or may not have even been dreamed of.

By creating these websites we have allowed competitors to really compete. Small business owners can have as much of a voice as large business owners, and niche products are really not too far from mainstream anymore. We have combined our markets, meshed our products and created something that will only take us farther than we could have originally gone. Our products have become more widely known, our prices have fluctuated due to the availability of products, and we have allowed for more competition to enter the fray.

The one thing that is left then is to figure out where we go next. Once everything is meshed, what really is the next step? People are closer; the world in fact seems to be slowly shrinking minute by minute. Going across the world really doesn't seem like the grandest thing anymore.

Most of us have something from other countries in our homes thanks to the business market online. We have the opportunity to really explore and benefit from the beauty of other countries without even having to be there. Did we ever really think that our markets would be so intertwined?

These are the reasons why creating business websites was not only a good idea but changed the way we look at the online market.

Without a doubt if you truly understand the beneficial impact of a professional website with proper internet marketing strategies, then you realize that you can't make a poor attempt to boost your business presence online.

Luckily a new company has been created that is fixing this problem for everyone within Canada! To learn more visit this site on free business websites.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dexx_D_Williams

Website Widgets - Trendy Gadgets and Sticky Site Application

Do you want one of each, of those trendy little widgets made with snippets of code, to adorn your website? Far more than website decor, and snappy diversion, these gadgets when introduced into the format of your site, provide a relevant and interactive resource. But do not allow too much of a good thing to commit an act of clutter.

Range of their reach

There is a broad scope of widget selection, in every form of application. They represent tidy boxes of products, and services, articles and breaking news. Each can be adorned through personalization, color theme, and format. A widget can serve as a navigation tool, displaying links to articles, feeds, and bundle other displays of site content. Just like shopping in a candy store, each is sweet coated in the form interactive polls, quizzes, games and puzzles, and will garnish your site with their sticky power. Visitors hover over them, and linger to interact, but embrace widgets for their usefulness, not as a distraction.

Be of relevance noble confidant

Maintain a core focus on the goal of their application to your website. Widgets as a navigation tool, with links and applicable feeds, and relevant content serve a unique purpose. Any gadget should reflect the theme of your site, and offer value for your visitor in the way of information, reference, or entertainment. There is room for an exception, such as a seasonal clever interactive question, that temps your visitor to explore further.

You shall not clutter

It may be somewhat tempting to over indulge with these darlings of expression, but do not clutter. Choose according to your presentation, need, and a value expectation for your site visitors. The intent is not to overwhelm with a gadget for every source. Rotate them accordingly, and try them for response and utilization by your visitors. Timely application, review, and updates will maintain an interactive exposure, and avoid clutter.

It doesn't appear widgets will go away soon, but will only be broaden in their capacity to captivate an audience. I admit I am somewhat smitten by their charm, but refrain from overuse.

Dannie writes website tips more on the basis of site format and inspiration than technology. Visit http://www.websitetoptip.com for more timely web tips, and your own easy website free trial.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dannie_Melancon

Why Does My Business Need a Website?

Does every business need a website? Well, this is a question only the business owner can answer. However, the answer is generally YES! This is because, if you don't do it, your competitor is going to do it and snatch your market share away.

Well, but, my products and services can't really sell online, why do I need a website?

Ask yourself, ask your co-worker, how many times in recent years that you have asked your favorite search engine, about the information, products and services you need? I believe, that should answered the question if you need a website for your business or not.

Whoever is on yellow pages yesterday, will need to have a websites today. Corporate need a website, same does small business, and retailer, restaurant, lawyer, accountant, dentist, insurance agent, property agent, and even plumber need a website. If you don't have a website, when I do a search on my search engine, your peers that own a website will get the business, not you.

Something great about internet is, it is a leveled battle field for us to play with the big guy. You are always just a click away from the big guy to win their business over. A well design, properly craft marketing message on your website can reflect a professional image on your small operation. A website should be the best friend of any small business. It is your PR agency, your advertising board, your marketing manager, your recruitment firm, and many more.

Getting yourself onto internet has been most important thing for any business in the recent years. Without putting yourself on the internet, means you are losing prospect, losing your market share, failed to generate new lead, and when all your competitors are up on the internet, where will be your business?

Here is 5 quick answer of why,

* It is cheaper that advertising, and it stay there almost forever.
* You can use the website to interact with your prospect or your customer.
* It is a trend today where people will search on the web before they make up their mind about the purchasing decision.
* It gives you far better reach to the customer that is outside of your local area.
* It is easier to get people to visit your website and understand about your business, than pick up their phone or visit your store personally.

Want to learn more about create a website for your business? Visit http://www.webcada.com for more tips.
Webcada is a web development firm that focus on create highly usable and goal oriented website for small business. Visit us and understand more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ethan_Cheong

Three Things to Consider When Developing a Website

So you have a company or an idea and you want to build a website. There are many things to consider in the planning stages like content, photos, layout etc. A good web site development plan will consider the search engines and should focus on search engine optimization during development. After all, what good is a website that no one can see right?

Here are 3 simple things that will help you in the search engines that you probably haven't thought about.

1.) Use Keywords In Your Menu:

Often times when individuals create a website they forget to be creative on the whole project. What I mean here is they take their time and come up with great images, a great color scheme, a perfect layout and the list goes on and on but they follow the average website when it comes to menu titles. Maybe it's because most web developers do not keep SEO in mind when they develop sites but for whatever reason, I see newly developed web sites that still need to be optimized after they go live.

Everyone should know what keywords are and how the process of choosing target keyword phrases goes but why are they not using these keywords everywhere possible? A good SEO tip is to use keywords in your menu instead of the boring "About Us" or Contact" menu titles you always see. There is a way you can still have the same meaning for your menu titles but include keywords such as "Contact Denver Painters" instead of just "Contact". If you are a Denver lawyer and have a resource page, make sure to title it "Denver Legal Resources".

2.) Create A Google Sitemap:

It's really quite simple, you need to create a Google sitemap if you want them to know about all of the pages in your website quicker. By creating a Google sitemap, it allows the "Google bots" to index all of the pages and content you have developed. A sitemap is the only way the search engines can "see" all of your pages at a much faster pace.

If you do not know how to create a Google sitemap, here are directions: www.tinyurl.com/c3rvqa

3.) URL Keyword Optimization

Make sure you change your URL's to the keywords you are targeting on that page. If you've noticed, all of our URL's (after the .com) deal with keywords relating to that page. As a developer you can optimize your links to rank better in the search engines.

Lets look at an example: Visit Wikipedia.org and type in "Internet" in the search box.

Once taken to that page, the URL changes to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet which helps pull up on the searches when you type in "Internet" in the search engines. (happens to be #1 on Google)

I don't want to pick on anyone to show you a web site who's URL's have not been optimized but check yourself. Type in something like "Denver Lawyer" and visit page 20. Click on a website and check out their URL's. Chances are they are something like: http://www.X.com/info.cfm?id=127 which mean nothing to the search engines.

For more information like this, check out Denver SEO for many tips for web development and seo techniques advice. There are many thing you should consider when developing a website. Do not just jump into a site because you are excited about your idea. The best sites will be well thought out ahead of time.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nicolas_Hantge

Web Development Strategies

With the rise of a new era of internet marketing, website could be used as the most potent tool to drive a large belt of potential customers to your website. A well strategize website could well be exploited it to increase the marketability of your services and products across a large belt of targeted audience. It could help you to better your sales promotion and advertise your products.

Here are some important strategies you must keep in mind while building or getting your website built by a professional.

1. Corporate branding and Recognition: You need to build strong corporate images and brand identities for your products on the website so as to win the over the confidence and influence the visitor on your site. Visually appealing and illustrative company logos and one-liners help you build strong brand recognition and awareness among consumers and induce them to make their purchases from your site.

2. Easy search facilities: One of the most important points to remember is that you have tremendous chances of loosing your visitor if he finds difficulties in finding the vital information he is looking for. Since there is a pool of other websites luring him visit them, make sure that you provide all the necessary information conveniently with all the simple search mechanisms so as to save his time. He might visit your website again owing to his ease and quickness at finding the relevant information he required.

3. Quality content: Content management is one of the most essential areas you must pay attention to while building your website. It is the lifeline of your website as it helps you better the sales volume of your services. Produce quality content that gives a complete insight on your company, services and products. The content should market to highlights its best features to the consumer. Add all the necessary key words so as to increase your visibility and page ranking so that you reach the right consumer at the right time.

Discount offers of sorts and rebates glorified right at the homepage is yet another essential tactic to convince the consumer to spend more quality time on your website. Devote section for customer feed back and response. If you are new to this arena of web marketing, you may seek the professional guidance of ITRIX Technologies, www.itrixtechnologies.com. They have on offer a wide array of Website development services to help people with their e-commerce needs.

Mark Alter, the author of this article, writes about professional guidance of web marketing using a wide array of website development services. Want to know more about ITRIX Technologies and Website development? Still lots of things remain to explore.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Alter

Bring Your Site to a Whole Other Level - Custom Web Applications

Bring your site to a whole other level, with custom web applications. When designing and developing your website, you can do so much more than just simply doing an online brochure for your existing and prospective customers. Your site can be used to create an online community, gather valuable market research, reduce customer service costs, and it can also develop sales leads and so much more.

A custom web application is just an application that you can you can get thru the internet. Web applications became so popular because web browsers are so convent to use and because you go to w web browser anytime and find what you need. Even if where the website is being hosted is half way around the world. Having the ability to maintain and update your website without having to distribute or install it on potentially thousands of client computers. An example of a popular web application is webmail.

It wasn't always this easy. Before web applications became popular you had to install it on separately on each persons personal computer. And if you needed to do an upgrade you would have to upgrade each users workstation. In which it would bog down customer support and drive up the price for customer service. Now web application use HTML (XHMTL).

Now it can be done with out interaction, as user input is returned through web form elements embedded in the page markup, In that time, the web browser interprets and displays the pages, and acts as the universal client for any web application.

Netscape came out with a client- slide scripting, known as Javascript in 1995. It gave the clients the more control. It would able to change the way the client needed. Before javascript came out, all of the information sent to the server for processing and then the information would be sent back to the client through static HTML pages.

Then in 1996, Macromedia come out with Flash, a vector animation player that could be added to browsers as a plugin. Which would be embed to animations on the web pages. This allowed the use of a scripting language to program interactions on the client side without the need to communicate with the server. A plugin is a web application that is able to do a fuction on command, for example your webmail.

Also then in 2005, AJAX was coined, and applications like Gmail started to make things even more interactive on the clients end.

Web applications have come along way to making thing easier. And now there are no limitations to customizing you website. Basically anything you can dream up you can create.

Website design company
Website development company

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_McKernan