Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Web Site Stats

Did you know that every time someone lands on one of your web pages, the details are recorded in your web servers logs. Learning how to read and keep track of your web site stats is an important piece of your internet marketing success. And you really need to know what stats you should be keeping a close eye on, such as where your main customers are coming from. Your web log is a crucial tool to help you analyze your web traffic.

What can your web site stats tell you?

Which pages are the most visited and how long a visitor stays on your site.

Which keywords are bringing in visitors.

Which search engines are helping to drive traffic to your site.

On what pages web surfers are entering and leaving your site from.

Which pages that are linked to your site are people are clicking on to arrive there.

And there is much more.

Do you have a healthy internet business?

You need to have a good handle on your sales figures, your customer and subscriber statistics, as well as the details of the overall usage on your site.

If you don't know and understand the metrics of what is going on with your web site, not only will you not be able to see the opportunities where you can make more money, you may not see the danger signals that can undermine your internet business.

One factor all successful internet businesses have in common is that they just do not assume, they test, and constantly measure their results.

Where is your server log?

Your web host or web server keeps records which you can easily get to with a few clicks after you log in to your web panel. Don't be afraid to click around a bit a find out how it functions. Take your time and look through the reports that your web host provides. And don't be shy about picking up the phone and calling them either. Any good web host will have qualified people willing and able to answer all your questions.

Conversion Rates

These are the most important web site stats that you should be learning how to analyze. What are a few of the conversion rates that you should be keeping track of?

How many of your visitors are you converting into customers? This tells you immediately how well your offer and web copy is working. This is your 'visitor to customer' ratio.

If you get 100 visitors a month and you have 5 sales, you have a 5% conversion rate.

How many visitors are signing up for your emails or newsletters? It is very important to build your mailing list, because there is big money to be made by promoting offers to the people who have taken the time to sign up to keep up to date with what you are doing.

How many of your sign-ups are becoming customers? This lets you know how attractive your offers are. You will also want to test them with different sales letters to see which are converting the best. Your mailing list is also a good barometer for any products and web copy that you want to test market before you go public.

What is your click through rate? Are people clicking where you want them to? Is a button working better than a write in form. Is a certain color getting more clicks?

What kind of revenue are you making from your visitors? You really need to know what your costs are and how much are you earning from the people visiting your site. This is especially important if you are doing PPC - pay per click marketing. Keeping track of this information lets you evaluate how much you are spending to get each visitor to your website, how much they are spending, and what, if any, your profits are.

There are many more advanced web site stats that you can be tracking and there is even software you can purchase that will give you even more insight and information that you can use to bring your internet business to the next level.

Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the greater your opportunities will be, because you will be able to see them right in front of you.

Be Fearless

Billy Ojai

If you would like more information on how to improve your copywriting techniques, pick up your free copy of 'Copywriting for the Web' at http://billyojai.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Billy_Ojai

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