Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bring Your Site to a Whole Other Level - Custom Web Applications

Bring your site to a whole other level, with custom web applications. When designing and developing your website, you can do so much more than just simply doing an online brochure for your existing and prospective customers. Your site can be used to create an online community, gather valuable market research, reduce customer service costs, and it can also develop sales leads and so much more.

A custom web application is just an application that you can you can get thru the internet. Web applications became so popular because web browsers are so convent to use and because you go to w web browser anytime and find what you need. Even if where the website is being hosted is half way around the world. Having the ability to maintain and update your website without having to distribute or install it on potentially thousands of client computers. An example of a popular web application is webmail.

It wasn't always this easy. Before web applications became popular you had to install it on separately on each persons personal computer. And if you needed to do an upgrade you would have to upgrade each users workstation. In which it would bog down customer support and drive up the price for customer service. Now web application use HTML (XHMTL).

Now it can be done with out interaction, as user input is returned through web form elements embedded in the page markup, In that time, the web browser interprets and displays the pages, and acts as the universal client for any web application.

Netscape came out with a client- slide scripting, known as Javascript in 1995. It gave the clients the more control. It would able to change the way the client needed. Before javascript came out, all of the information sent to the server for processing and then the information would be sent back to the client through static HTML pages.

Then in 1996, Macromedia come out with Flash, a vector animation player that could be added to browsers as a plugin. Which would be embed to animations on the web pages. This allowed the use of a scripting language to program interactions on the client side without the need to communicate with the server. A plugin is a web application that is able to do a fuction on command, for example your webmail.

Also then in 2005, AJAX was coined, and applications like Gmail started to make things even more interactive on the clients end.

Web applications have come along way to making thing easier. And now there are no limitations to customizing you website. Basically anything you can dream up you can create.

Website design company
Website development company

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_McKernan

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