Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How to Put Together a Basic Website

Many new online businesses just don't realize how incredibly important it is to put together a professional looking website for your clients and customers. And they just don't know where to start or what to include in their website so they give up before they even start.

A website for your business should always follow a formula outlining who you are, what services or products you are selling or offering are, why you are in business, and how or where your potential clients contact you. In fact, almost anyone can put together a website even if you have never worked online before.

For newbies out there who do not know HTML, I suggest that you use software called Website Tonight to put together a website. Its fast and easy to use and if you know how to use Microsoft Word, you can most certainly put a site up. Most hosting providers offer Website Tonight with your hosting option. Go Daddy is a great provider and you can get a site up and running for less than $5 Bucks a month.

What to Include

So we have gone over the basics of where to get hosting and the why's of your site. But you are probably asking yourself, what pages should I include in my site. If you follow the formula I wrote out above, you now realize that you can get a website up and going with about 3-5 web pages. The most commonly used pages should be Homepage, About Page, Services and/or Products page, FAQ's or Pricing page, and a Contact Page. You can mix and match any of the above to get your site up but I strongly suggest your website flows in the order I put these examples.

Your Homepage should include information about who your company is why you are in business and why you have a website. You really want to grab the reader right away with information about you and your business. Your About page should grab the reader with knowledge about why you are a leader in your industry. What is your background why do they want to use your services or buy your products.

Your services page should highlight what you are offering them and why your services and/or products are special from the competitors. The FAQ's and/or Pricing page should outline again questions your potential clients and customers may want to know about such as how much do your services cost, how long have you been in business, what they should expect from your services. You want to put their minds at ease about why you are a great provider for them whether it is a product or services. And last but not least is a Contact page. It's imperative that your clients know how to contact you and how to contact you easily. You should include a link on each page with your email address and/or phone number so you make it easy and simple for them to get a hold of you.

If you follow the steps above you can have a website up and running in less than a day and you will start generating buzz for your new business as well as clients.

Stacey Wockenfuss is a professional internet marketer and business coach who specializes in helping people reach their own goals of business ownership and working from home through her guides, eBooks, and sound business advice. Learn how you to can start your own online business by visiting: http://www.stopmakingyourbossrich.net or http://www.startaworkfromhomebusiness.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stacey_Wockenfuss

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